23533 A Review of Extension Master Gardener Program Recordkeeping Systems

Thursday, August 11, 2016: 4:15 PM
Savannah 1 Room (Sheraton Hotel Atlanta)
Sheri Dorn , University of Georgia, Griffin, GA
Recordkeeping systems (or volunteer management systems) are capacity-building tools for Extension Master Gardener Volunteer (EMGV) programs. States have been using electronic systems for as many as 24 years. Early systems demonstrated the ability to establish program accountability while also reducing the administrative burden of managing volunteers. A survey was conducted in June 2015 to document and compare recordkeeping systems for EMGV programs nationally. There were twenty-nine responses from 24 states, with 20 states reporting use of recordkeeping systems. Differences in the systems were reported, including costs for development and maintenance, system purposed, and system functions. Respondents estimate that 73% of EMGVs regularly and consistently self-report via online recordkeeping systems. More than half of respondents (58%) indicate that EMGVs are receptive to using online database systems for other functions, with an additional 33% of respondents indicating the possibility. This bears significance as states and national committees work to develop impact evaluation models for EMGV programming.