23855 A New System to Collect and Save Data on Fruit Trees in Germplasm Collection Based on Radio Frequency Identification Technology

Tuesday, August 9, 2016: 2:30 PM
Savannah 2 Room (Sheraton Hotel Atlanta)
Petra Engel, Plant Genetic Resources Specialist , CREA- Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis, Rome, Italy
Mario Giorgioni, IT expert , CREA- Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis, Rome, Italy
Maria Antonietta Palombi, researcher , CREA- Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis, Rome, Italy
Tatiana Azzalin, IT expert , Freelance, Rome, Italy
Alessandro Mattiacci, IT expert , Freelance, Rome, Italy
Flavio Roberto De Salvador, Chief Research Officer , CREA- Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis, Rome, Italy
The process of characterization and data management of fruit tree collections is often lengthy, due to several aspects, such as the precise identification of the accessions in the field, acquisition of a wide range of phenological, agronomical and pomological information, transfer of data to electronic devices and their subsequent elaboration. In order to efficiently face these obstacles  and to reduce overall time investment, the CREA-FRU, in collaboration with IT experts, has put in place a hardware-software system for data acquisition, storage, management and updating by means of the RFID technology (Radio Frequency IDentification). The system consists of a front-end interface for application in the field (Tablet PC), and a back-end interface which allows to download the newly-entered data into the database located on a server. Communication between the reader RFID, Tablet PC and the UID (Unique Identification Number of the single accessions, attached to the trees by a TAG) works via bluetooth and allows to link all data to the respective accession. At the front-end, the operator is equipped with the Tablet PC and the RFID reader, which allows him to track and identify an accession, add a new accession to the database, insert new data, update or modify present data, and interact with the central system through operations of synchronization. For the Tablet PC an interface was developed which, for each species, displays the specific descriptors and related expressions, to be selected and ticked via touch-screen. Clearly, the Tablet PC can also be used during characterization activities carried out in the laboratory. At the back-end, the operator can also include new accessions in the database, control, update or modify the information entered via Tablet, track the position of the single plants, and monitor the status of characterization of the accessions. The development of the back-end required the creation of an interface on the office PC which allows to communicate with the Tablet PC and the server. The interface also provides for the possibility to upload photographic documentation or .xls files carrying further information on the specific accessions. In summary, the application of RFID technology in the different processes of characterization of fruit tree accessions and subsequent data management has proven to be a highly efficient tool for genebank and accession management and might well be applied to the management of other crop categories.