24026 Consumer Preferences of Seven Indigo Purple Tomato Varieties Grown in Kentucky

Thursday, August 11, 2016: 4:45 PM
Savannah 1 Room (Sheraton Hotel Atlanta)
Srijana Thapa Magar , Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY
Kirk William Pomper , Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY
Jeremiah Lowe , Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY
Sheri B. Crabtree , Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY
Oregon State University released the Indigo series of tomatoes in 2012, however consumer’s preference of Indigo series over heirloom tomatoes has not been evaluated in Kentucky. The objective of this study was to compare the Indigo series of tomatoes to heirloom tomatoes in terms of flavor, texture, and appearance in Kentucky. Indigo Apple, Indigo Blue Beauty, Indigo Blueberries, Indigo Kumquat, Indigo Rose, Indigo Ruby, and Indigo Cherry Drops tomatoes, along with Koralik were evaluated for flavor, texture and appearance by consumers through a taste test on campus as well as at a KSU Third Thursday event. The tomatoes were sorted, cleaned, cut and placed on plates to serve. Whole fruit of each variety were also displayed side by side for consumers to judge their appearance. Both tasting events were blind taste tests where each tomato variety was placed consecutively with a random number on the plate. The consumers were then asked to rate the fruit based on their appearance, flavor and texture. The survey data were collected and analyzed. I. Cherry was significantly preferable to I. Blue Beauty, I. Blueberries and I. Rose in terms of flavor at the campus test. However, Koralik and I. Ruby were preferable to I. Apple in terms of appearance at the KSU Third Thursday event. There was no significant differences in terms of texture in any tomatoes. Moreover, the Indigo series of tomatoes were preferable to Koralik on the basis of flavor.