24882 Best Management Practice Use and Efficacy for Virginia Nurseries and Greenhouses

Tuesday, August 9, 2016: 4:00 PM
Capitol Center Room (Sheraton Hotel Atlanta)
Rachel Mack , Virginia Tech, Virginia Beach, VA
Jim S. Owen , Virginia Tech, Virginia Beach, VA
Alexander X. Niemiera , Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Virginia’s nursery and floriculture industries account for an estimated $213M in yearly sales and are major economic contributors to the estimated $1.42B of ornamental crops sold in the Mid-Atlantic US, including the Chesapeake Bay Watershed states. Crop production efficiency and environmental stewardship are increased through best management practices (BMPs). However, there is a lack of evidence defining which BMPs are most employed and most effective by ornamental crop producers, and scientific data backing the use of these BMPs have not been synthesized for usable analysis. Objectives of the study included 1) identifying the most utilized BMPs by Virginia nursery and greenhouse crop growers, and 2) determining the reasons for the use of these BMPs. A BMP survey was disseminated to approximately 350 Virginia nursery and greenhouse growers and managers via three methods: in-person interviews at the Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (Baltimore, MD), email, or an online Qualtrics survey software tool. Seventeen percent (60 surveys) of respondents completed the 22-question, Institutional Review Board-approved survey. The objective of the questionnaire was to identify BMPs being utilized, along with their strengths, weaknesses, and risks of implementation. The survey also queried participants on BMP utilization for the management of agrichemicals, irrigation, fertilizer, and non-point source runoff. Survey results indicated the most utilized BMPs included: irrigation based on plant need for water, optimized irrigation efficiency, and grouping plants by water needs. Most frequently cited reasons for utilizing BMPs for irrigation management, fertilizer management and runoff management were: saves water or other resources, saves money, and environmental stewardship, respectively. Environmental stewardship ranked in the top 3 out of 8 choices demonstrating that concerns for environmental stewardship are a significant factor for grower BMP use in all categories. This research aids scientists and growers to better understand which BMPs have been most readily utilized, and delineates producer’s motivation for BMP implementation. Empowering growers with such information permits them to make decisions that are both economically and environmentally sound when deciding on BMP adoption. This research increases the information available for growers in complying with environmental regulations in protected areas like the Chesapeake Bay.
See more of: Oral Session-Nursery Crops 1
See more of: Oral Abstracts