25090 Certified Horticulturist Exam for CEA / Greenhouse Is Crucial for ASHS

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Georgia Ballroom (Sheraton Hotel Atlanta)
Kerrie B. Badertscher, CPH , Otoke Horticulture, Allenspark, CO
Kurt Badertscher, CFO , Otoke Horticulture, Allenspark, CO
Certified Horticulture (ASHS-CH) is widely accepted for minimum standards for experiential horticulturists. The current program focuses on outdoor production, lacking controlled environmental agriculture (CEA) and / or greenhouse management issures. CEA and greenhouse production is on the increase due to legislation surrounding medicinal and recreational Cannabis sativa (L.) production. ASHS- CH-CEA or CH-GH could become indoor standard horticulture practice. Federal, State and local regulators and cultivation managers would benefit by knowledgeable staff that meet expectations yet may move to emerging production states. The current program should be retained but perhaps renamed ASHS-CH-L.