25164 The Role of Trust: How Consumers Value Information from Different Retail Outlets

Wednesday, August 10, 2016: 5:00 PM
Savannah 1 Room (Sheraton Hotel Atlanta)
Ben Campbell , University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Julie Campbell , University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Victoria Wallace , University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Trust is a critical issue for many green industry firms. Anecdotal evidence suggests that consumers view retailers (e.g., independent garden centers vs. box stores and independent lawn service providers vs. large lawn care providers) differently when it comes to perceptions of quality, price, and value of information provided. For instance, a common perception is that prices are higher at independent garden centers compared to box stores, while quality is higher at independent garden centers compared to box stores. In this study we compare consumer perception of price and quality at independent garden centers and box stores as well as independent lawn care services versus large lawn care service providers. Furthermore, we evaluate how consumers value product (such as organic, sustainable, etc.) information and business (pay for workers, knowledge of products, water/energy conserving practices, customer service, etc.) practices across retail outlets. Results on the online study provide interesting insights into the differences associated with perceived large business versus more “local” firms. Furthermore, demographics do play a role in both shopping at and perceptions associated with these store types. Firm level recommendations are provided so that the various types of firms can better understand consumer perceived strengths and weaknesses.