The goal of this workshop is:1. To take closer look at the horticulture industry in India (research and develpment and commercial horticulture industry); 2. To promote research and development and private sector enterprise partnership for succesful application of new technology; 3. T create a sustainable Indian model of farm-to-market for a sustainable Indian horticulture industry.
The goal of this workshop is:1. To take closer look at the horticulture industry in India (research and develpment and commercial horticulture industry); 2. To promote research and development and private sector enterprise partnership for succesful application of new technology; 3. T create a sustainable Indian model of farm-to-market for a sustainable Indian horticulture industry.
India is one of the leading producers of horticultural crops, however the production practices, harvest management system, and farm to market cold chain is still in the evolving stage. As India progresses into the 21st century with more than a billion people to feed and the World has to feed 9 billion by 2050 there is an urgent need for a US-India horticulture partnership. Therefore, this workshop will be focussed to overview horticulture indsurty of India, research and development to improve production and quality of speaciality crops, and the strategies for sustainable horticulture industry as well as potential of parternship between horticulture industry of India and USA.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016: 8:00 AM
Atlanta 4/5 Room (Sheraton Hotel Atlanta)