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2017 ASHS Annual Conference

Prevention and Rapid Response of the Coffee Berry Borer in Papua New Guinea

Tuesday, September 19, 2017: 4:15 PM
Kohala 2 (Hilton Waikoloa Village)
Craig Bateman, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Coffee is the backbone of the national economy in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Throughout the country, over three million people depend on coffee as the main source of income in PNG, and almost half of all rural households grow and harvest it. Unfortunately, PNG coffee is under threat of the coffee berry borer (CBB). Once the berry borer establishes in Papua New Guinea, the coffee industry could disappear because CBB control measures are too costly for most growers in the country. We developed a program to strengthen the PNG extension and rapid response network to prepare for the arrival of CBB. In particular, we established a molecular identification lab for coffee pests and pathogens. Within six months of operation, the lab positively identified CBB from the central highlands of PNG. Eradication measures are currently underway, while the training program is being expanded to improve communication and extension involvement with rural communities.