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2017 ASHS Annual Conference

Growers’ and Consumers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Opinions Regarding Roses Available for Purchase

Tuesday, September 19, 2017: 3:45 PM
King's 1 (Hilton Waikoloa Village)
Tina Cade Waliczek, Professor of Horticulture
David H. Byrne, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Don Holeman, Rose Hybridizers Association, Enfield
Rose breeders historically have bred plants based on what they personally have deemed important, or instead on variables growers have noted as important for the success in growing the crop. End-user opinions have not been formally considered. The purpose of this study was to investigate the growers’ and the consumers’ knowledge, attitudes, needs and opinions of roses available on the market and their experiences in growing them in the nursery and home landscape. A survey tool was developed to measure what attributes consumers were looking for in purchasing and growing rose plants, their knowledge of diseases and pests and their hopes for new plants coming to market. The survey was developed using Limesurvey web-based survey design tool. A link was sent to horticultural group mailing lists including the Rose Hybridizer Association, the American Rose Society, the Texas Landscape and Nursery Association, Master Gardeners among others as well as distributed through personal email lists, Facebook, and a news release from Texas A&M University. The survey was posted for 10 weeks. It included approximately 66 questions and took 30 minutes or more to complete. Over 1800 responses were received from rose growers and consumers worldwide. Data were automatically downloaded into Microsoft Excel. Data formatting was conducted in Excel and transferred to PASW/SPSS. Results of the survey found the characteristics that respondents were looking for in purchasing roses and the attributes which should be considered in breeding.