2017 ASHS Annual Conference
Effect of Bag Material and Rooting Substrate Components in the Growth and Performance of Petunia x hybrida ‘Easy Wave Silver’
Effect of Bag Material and Rooting Substrate Components in the Growth and Performance of Petunia x hybrida ‘Easy Wave Silver’
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Kona Ballroom (Hilton Waikoloa Village)
Past research has shown that planting ornamental flowers into bags filled with potting soil can make it easier to establish gardens in soil that is rocky and has a high clay content. This study evaluated growth and performance of Petunia x hybrida ‘Easy Wave Silver’ when grown in the ground, or in paper or plastic bags filled with 0.75 cubic feet (21.2 liters) of topsoil, potting mix, 90% topsoil + 10% compost (v/v), or 90% potting mix + 10% compost (v/v). We replicated each treatment seven times. We transplanted the plants into the treatments in Springfield, Missouri on 22 May 2015, with three plants per bag or ground plot. We covered both the ground plots and bags with one inch (2.5 cm) of wood chip mulch. We collected monthly data on plant height, width, flower number, visual quality and soil temperature from June 24 to October 8. Throughout the study, we found no significant interaction between treatments and planting date. Plants grown in topsoil in either plastic or paper bags tended at each date to produce more flowers per plant and were taller and wider than plants grown in the ground or in treatments containing potting mix. Soil temperatures did not differ significantly among treatments.