2017 ASHS Annual Conference
Planning to Increase the Productivity and Competitiveness of Sustainable Strawberry Systems
Planning to Increase the Productivity and Competitiveness of Sustainable Strawberry Systems
Friday, September 22, 2017
Kona Ballroom (Hilton Waikoloa Village)
A planning grant led by the National Strawberry Sustainability Initiative at the University of Arkansas drew on the expertise of a multi-disciplinary and multi-state group of researchers, extension specialists, growers, consultants, and industry representatives to develop a strategic plan and subsequent nationally competitive grant to address the critical needs for research, outreach, and education to support the sustainability of the strawberry production system. Key activities informed the planning process. An advisory board of growers and industry representatives was established for project consulting, survey testing and project oversight. A national strawberry industry needs assessment survey was launched to identify barriers to sustainability of strawberry growers, managers, nurserymen, extension educators and consultants. CoPIs engaged in monthly conference calls. A two-day planning workshop was conducted with co-PIs and advisory board members to discuss survey results, identify priorities and discuss a project based on this information. As a result and outcome of these efforts, the critical needs for research, outreach and education, and sustainability, were identified to improve the US strawberry system sustainability and competitiveness. The information generated in this project informs the development of a USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative Project.