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2017 ASHS Annual Conference

Great Gardens of the World Triad Fellowship

Tuesday, September 19, 2017: 4:30 PM
King's 1 (Hilton Waikoloa Village)
Brian W. Trader, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, PA
Started in 2014, the TRIAD Fellowship is a partnership among the National Trust's Hidcote Manor Garden in Gloucestershire, UK; the Alliance of Hyogo in Awaji Island, Japan; and Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA, USA. The purpose of the Fellowship is to offer aspiring horticulturists the opportunity to live, work, and learn in three culturally and botanically diverse countries. Each year, two horticulturists from each country are chosen to participate in the Fellowship and they spend four months hosted by the three world-class gardens. This extraordinary experience exposes emerging horticultural professionals to the field on a globally immersive level. They connect historical gardens with current design trends while working on ancient pruning techniques and implementing modern displays. The Fellowship is paid with all housing provided including travels costs; allowing participants to focus on their training while learning horticulture alongside some of the most knowledgeable staff in the world. The TRIAD Fellows learn about greenhouse technologies, crop scheduling, integrated pest management, plant identification and culture, plant records management, conservatory management, landscape design and implementation, heritage management, exhibit design, and more for three distinct regions of the world. Now in the fourth year, exciting changes are being made to ensure this Fellowship evolves to train future world horticulturists.