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2017 ASHS Annual Conference

Site-specific Nutrient and Water Management to Foster Environmental Stewardship

Wednesday, September 20, 2017: 1:15 PM
Kohala 2 (Hilton Waikoloa Village)
Dharmalingam S. Pitchay, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN
An active interest in gardening and eating fresh produce is gaining momentum in urban and peri-urban areas across the USA. One in three households including the millennials are engaged in gardening, spending an average of $100 per household. Most of them are involved in food gardening i.e. vegetables, small fruits and herbs, in small areas or containers due to space constraints. With a hope of growing and eating better tasting and quality fresh food, the residents tend to use disproportionate amount of inputs (fertilizers and water), unaware of its impact on the environment due to increased risk of nutrient loss and run-off in densely populated urban and periurban areas. Therefore, it is critical to introduce and establish site and species specific nutrient and water management guidelines for optimal plant growth and development to foster environmental stewardship.