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2017 ASHS Annual Conference

Using Field Book and Other Free Apps for Specialty Crop Field and Lab Data Collection

Thursday, September 21, 2017: 10:00 AM
Kohala 3 (Hilton Waikoloa Village)
Trevor Rife, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Jesse A. Poland, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Plant breeding, horticultural, and genetics research are inherently data-driven enterprises. Typical experiments and breeding nurseries can contain thousands of unique entries and programs will often evaluate tens of thousands of plots or plants each year. Due to temporal and economic limitations, many phenotypes that could prove useful for selection are neglected or collected only on a subset of lines. To operate a modern breeding program efficiently, electronic data capture and management is essential. Many research programs, however, continue to operate by scribing and transcribing much, if not all, of their data. This creates a heavy burden on human resources, decreases data integrity, and limits future utilization of data. We have developed several open-source apps to increase the speed and robustness of data collection in plant breeding programs. All of our apps run on consumer-grade Android phones and tablets, thereby decreasing the cost to breeders and creating a viable solution for research programs in developing countries. By utilizing a modern mobile operating system, it becomes simple to receive feedback, add requested features, and publish continuous updates. Field Book, an app for field and greenhouse data collection, has a simple and intuitive interface that allows adoption without a steep learning curve. Inventory pairs with a USB scale to simultaneously organize and weigh samples. Coordinate organizes data being collected in grids using customized templates. 1KK extracts seed morphological measurements from photos taken with the device camera. By creating this collection of PhenoApps, we attempt to decrease both technological and cost barriers that hinder adoption of electronic data management in plant breeding programs. With our open-source, accessible solutions, the vision of one handheld per breeder can become a reality for plant breeding and genetics programs around the world and will enable the transformational capacity essential to achieve a contemporary green revolution.