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2018 ASHS Annual Conference

High Tunnel Production in the Intermountain West U.S.

Friday, August 3, 2018: 2:30 PM
Jefferson West (Washington Hilton)
Karen Panter, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
To paraphrase: Go west young horticulturists! In this pictorial expedition through the western United States, we will discover ways high tunnels are used from the Rocky Mountain states west. The range of uses varies from season extension in the Rockies to protection from the elements in the Pacific Northwest. High tunnels are very much a part of the western horticulture landscape. On our journey we will explore many different construction styles such as roll-up sides, roll-down sides, PVC frames, galvanized steel frames, double poly covers, and fabric covers. A myriad of different crops grown within high tunnels in the west will be highlighted, ranging from aster cut flowers to zucchini fruits.”