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2018 ASHS Annual Conference

Eorganic: Integrating Research-, Experience- and Regulation-Based Information. 15 Minutes

Wednesday, August 1, 2018: 2:15 PM
Georgetown West (Washington Hilton)
Alexandra Stone, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Alice Formiga, Oregon State University and eOrganic, Corvallis, OR
Since the establishment of the Organic Foods Production Act in 1990 there has been an urgent need for science-based information on organic agriculture. eOrganic is the Organic Agriculture Community of Practice at ( Launched in 2009, eOrganic’s mission is to provide science-, experience- and regulation-based information on organic agriculture to farmers, agricultural professionals, researchers, students, and others. In addition to publishing general information about certified organic farming, eOrganic has partnered with 62 federally-funded organic farming research/outreach projects (NIFA OREI and ORG, Beginning Farmer and Rancher, Risk Management, SARE) in an effort to expand their national and global reach and impact. Over 300 contributors have delivered articles (, videos (, webinars ( , and websites (, and many more have presented at conferences/symposia ( archived by eOrganic. eOrganic has published updates and findings from over 260 organic research projects on critical topics for organic farmers. All eOrganic articles undergo National Organic Program compliance review in addition to eOrganic’s peer-refereed review process. eOrganic has hosted over 175 webinars which have been attended by over 20,000 people and the eOrganic newsletter reaches approximately 12,000. The eOrganic YouTube channel currently hosts 645 videos, archived webinars and conference recordings, and this content has attracted more than 7000 subscribers and 2.8 million views. eOrganic was initiated with a grant from NIFA OREI but is currently funded only by subawards and fees in research grants. To find out more or get involved, visit, where you can sign up for the eOrganic newsletter, find out how to include eOrganic in your next grant proposal, or learn what is required to publish an eOrganic article.