2018 ASHS Annual Conference
Lucille Eggleston
Lucille Eggleston
: 12:00 AM
Horticultural sciences have been for me a path to expanding my knowledge as a scientist in a manner unique to other students. Growing up in an agricultural family, I discovered an affinity for biological sciences in junior high and high school yet did not understand the connection between these interests. Most of the science I had learned at that point was human-biology based and I was not aware of the excellent agricultural research which is foundational to the practices I witnessed in my daily life. Entering college, I realized my two passions were not contradictory but fundamentally connected! My horticultural classes have been my most relished as a way of understanding science that is not mainstream. As I look to my future, my desire is to teach others through the lens of horticultural sciences so they may enjoy the same benefits.