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2018 ASHS Annual Conference

John R. Clark

University of Arkansas
316 Plant Science Building
Fayetteville, AR
USA 72701

Biographical Sketch:
John R. Clark is a distinguished professor of horticulture at the University of Arkansas. His research responsibilities are his primary appointment, where he works in the University’s Division of Agriculture fruit breeding program. He has worked in the breeding program since joining the University of Arkansas in 1980. Crops he has worked with include blackberries, table grapes, wine and muscadine grapes, blueberries, and peaches/nectarines. He has also taught in the areas of plant breeding and fruit production and advised graduate and undergraduate students. He has developed more than 60 varieties of various fruits and has been involved in cooperative breeding activities at several locations in the United States in addition to Europe, Mexico, South America, and Australia.

Our Professional Society Commits to Engaging with Policy Makers Quantitative Trait Loci for Fruit Quality Attributes and Cold Hardiness in Muscadine Grape (Vitis rotundifolia) Verifying Parentage and Confirming Identity in Blackberry with a Fingerprinting Set John Clark