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2018 ASHS Annual Conference

Kate Santos

Dümmen Orange
Columbus, OH
USA 43215

Biographical Sketch:
Kate earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Plant Biology from the University of New Hampshire. After UNH, she worked as a grower for Cavicchio’s Greenhouse operation, and then returned to graduate school for her PhD at the University of Florida. Kate subsequently became Director of Research and Development for Costa Farms, and currently works as the National Director for Dümmen Orange, a global leader in flower breeding, where she oversees the daily operations of the North American team. In addition, Kate is proud to serve on the Board of Directors for Luxflora, a non-profit organization focused on connecting women in floriculture, and on the Leadership Cabinet for Seed Your Future, an organization focused on promoting horticulture and inspiring people to pursue careers working with plants.

Creating YOUR Future:  Strategic Career Planning Forum