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2018 ASHS Annual Conference

Vegetable Crops Management 1

Tuesday, July 31, 2018: 3:00 PM
Georgetown East (Washington Hilton)
3:00 PM
Yield and Quality of Sweet Corn Grown with Biodegradable Plastic Mulches
Shuresh Ghimire, Washington State University; Carol A. Miles, Washington State University, NWREC
3:45 PM
Evaluating Resistance to Verticillium Wilt and Productivity of Grafted Eggplant
Abigail Attavar, Washington State University; Carol A. Miles, Washington State University, NWREC
4:00 PM
Intercropping Winter Greens between Cane Fruit Rows for Year-Round High Tunnel Production
Jacqueline Cormier, MS, New Mexico State University; Robert Heyduck, New Mexico State University Sustainable Agriculture Sciences Center; Shengrui Yao, New Mexico State University Sustainable Agriculture Sciences Center; Steve Guldan, New Mexico State University Sustainable Agriculture Sciences Center; Ivette Guzman, professor, New Mexico State University
4:15 PM
Effect of Plastic Color on Yield and Quality of Eight Broccoli Hybrids
Brian Ward, Clemson University CREC; Matthew Horry, Clemson; Christopher Simmons, Clemson; David M. Couillard, USDA-ARS US Vegetable Lab; Mark W Farnham, USDA-ARS
4:30 PM
Integrating Cover Crops in High Tunnel Vegetable Production
Ajay Nair, Associate Professor, Iowa State University; Kristine M. Lang, PhD Student, Iowa State University
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