2019 ASHS Annual Conference
Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee Survey of US Public Plant Breeding Capacity
The Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee (SCC-80) surveyed public plant breeding programs in 2018 to gauge current capacity and understand the challenges public plant breeding faces. Funded by USDA NIFA and NSF PGRP, a standard survey instrument was created and implemented in the NRSP10 database that can be reused every five years to create a time series to understand ongoing changes in capacity and inform US agriculture policy. A total of 287 U.S. public plant breeding programs provided data, representing programs located in 44 states. To complement the survey, NRSP10 hosts a searchable and interactive US map showing participating public plant breeding programs (https://www.nrsp10.org/). Here we present programs registered with the NRSP10, state by state, delineated by crop group and addressing three major categories of selective plant breeding activities: plant breeding research, germplasm enhancement, and variety development.