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2019 ASHS Annual Conference

Sustaining Success: The Planned Legacy of Rosbreed

Monday, July 22, 2019: 9:45 AM
Montecristo 3 (Tropicana Las Vegas)
James R. McFerson, Washington State University, TFREC, Wenatchee, WA

The two RosBREED projects funded through the NIFA-SCRI program were unprecedented in project scale, scope of work, team diversity and breadth of deliverables. As Coordinated Ag Projects, both RosBREED 1 and 2 involved multiple public and private sector participants, nationally and internationally. With a broad scope from genetic discovery to cultivar improvement, the projects took a whole systems approach, addressing challenges in Production, Distribution & Processing and Consumer & Markets, with active Advisory Panels representing each of the areas. Over 60 scientists from an array of U.S. and foreign institutions have participated as team members. Deliverables from both projects include an array of technical advances adding to our knowledge base and directly informing useful DNA tests now available through public and private sector providers to rosaceous breeding programs. Training and networking opportunities for graduate students and postdocs within the two projects has provided a significant cohort of the next generation of plants breeding and genetic scientists. Finally, rosaceous crop stakeholders actively participated in both projects and continue to strongly support the numerous spin-off projects building on the legacy of RosBREED.