2019 ASHS Annual Conference
Prospects of Using Water to Mitigate Challenges of a Warming Climate in the Lower Colorado River Region Vegetable Cropping Systems
Prospects of Using Water to Mitigate Challenges of a Warming Climate in the Lower Colorado River Region Vegetable Cropping Systems
Tuesday, July 23, 2019: 10:30 AM
Partagas 3 (Tropicana Las Vegas)
The lower Colorado River region of the Southwestern United States supports a multibillion dollar produce industry providing product across the U.S. from November through April each year. All climate change models predict less runoff and a more saline Colorado River, although degree varies by model. Further, data complied over the past several years have shown a clear trend in warming temperatures. This has already created challenges in stand establishment and the production of product of acceptable quality in the beginning of the production season in this region. Sprinklers are already used for climate modification and their use will have to be exploited further. The use of sprinkler as an enhanced climate modification tool in the future will be discussed. An increase in salinity of irrigation water will require modification in water management and these implications will be addressed. Finally, while temporary water transfers from rural to urban interests (with compensation to rural water right holders) are a popular strategy among policy makers to address transitory shortages, they result in salinity management challenges when farm operations are resumed and the required mitigation strategies will be outlined.