2019 ASHS Annual Conference
Altering the Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Cholesterol Synthesis Pathway to Produce Vitamin D3
The endogenous allele of 7-DR-2 was cloned and sequenced for the purposes of designing the guide RNA. Of the 8160 bp in the cloned fragment, all 5695 sequenced bases match the reference genome. A CRISPR-Cas9 plasmid has been developing, targeting six sites in six different exons. These were selected using CrisprP 2.0. The components of the plasmid include pMOD_A0103 which carries AtCas9 driven by the Cestrum yellow leaf curling virus (CmYLCV) promoter, pMOD_B2103 which carries the sgRNA with Csy4 spacers, and the pMOD_C000 which carries no extra components but is required for the assembly. These were assembled into the transformation backbone pTRANS_201.
The CRISPR construct will be transformed into the new variety MTX-851 that has been developed at the University of Minnesota for short season and dwarf growth habit with good flavor. We have determined that this variety can be transformed and regenerated from tissue callus, presenting an opportunity to use this variety for gene editing and crop improvement.