2019 ASHS Annual Conference
NC Extension Gardener Handbook: Opening a Kaleidoscope of Opportunities
The handbook inspired the creation of a teacher's guide with all the information that trainers need to "flip the classroom" replacing traditional lectures with hands-on interactive tasks requiring students to organize and use the information helping them own and understand the key concepts at a much deeper level. The Teacher's guide contains: pre-homework, an introductory PowerPoint to run before class while students are assembling, that has a review of the previous session, teasers for current session, and thought-provoking facts, quiz questions and quotes; a PowerPoint presentation and script; supply list, and directions for each interactive station; quiz, homework as well as field trip suggestions. Students are asked to read the chapter ahead of time and come to class for a brief review of key points before rotating through six interactive stations. Each station focuses on a separate objective offering opportunities to experiment, observe, organize and synthesize information through hands-on, role-play, and interactive activities and labs that drive home the objectives of each chapter. The facilitators' guide is full of customizable materials that help instructors easily create a tailored course. This is especially helpful to new agents or those just starting an Extension Master Gardener program in their county as well as public gardens, colleges, nurseries, and prisons that have horticulture training programs and need quality, research-based training materials.
The handbook is also the framework for the expanding Distance Education program