2019 ASHS Annual Conference
Management of Relay-Cropped Strawberry, Pepper, Eggplant, and Cantaloupe to Maximize Yield and Economic Return
Purpose: The objective of the research was to determine the competition between Strawberry and the secondary crops (eggplant, cantaloupe, pepper) and to optimize the planting date of secondary crops.
Materials and Methods: Relay cropping of strawberry (RadianceTM) with secondary crops was conducted in fall 2016-17 and 2017-18 at GCREC, Balm, FL. The strawberries were planted in September, and the secondary crops were transplanted on the beds with strawberry plants and as sole crops (controls) at five different dates (Jan 4, Jan 18, Feb 1, Feb 15 and Mar 1). Data on yield and height of strawberries and secondary crops was collected.
Results: Sole crops of eggplants and peppers, and early to mid-planting dates of these secondary crops with strawberries resulted in higher yields (p<0.05). However, the interaction between two factors (relay cropping with strawberry and date of planting) was not significant for both the crops. In the case of cantaloupes, no significant effect of relay-cropping or date of planting was observed on the yield of cantaloupes(p>0.05). Height of eggplants and peppers planted alone was higher than the ones planted with strawberries.
In conclusion, it is beneficial to relay crop strawberries with vegetables. The early to mid-planting dates (Jan 4 to Feb1) are optimum dates for planting secondary crops (peppers and eggplants) on the beds with strawberries.