Growing In the Season of Change

Sunday, July 26, 2009: 9:20 AM
Laclede (Millennium Hotel St. Louis)
Kim Lovelace-Young , Forrest Keeling Nursery, Elsberry, MO
How the economy is challenging growers is to examine everything from production methods, fuel efficiency, to labor and marketing.

-Efficiency -Move to Lean Production Methods, Best Management Practices, and Alternate fuels.

-Marketing-Emerging trends and markets require a hard look at what the grower is offering the consumer. Sustainable landscapes, impact of LEEDS, Green Building Council. Drastic drop in new home construction and commercial development. What is in the Economic Recovery Plan and how that will affect both parties?

-Distribution- Regional markets or shopping locally.

-Labor- Current status of H2A and H2B programs and Agjobs.  How the economy and unemployment rate drive public opinion about these programs?  State laws vs. federal.