Managing and Thriving In Tough Times, When Every Dime Counts!
Managing and Thriving In Tough Times, When Every Dime Counts!
The objective of this workshop is to discuss the impact of the recent economical crisis on sustainability of the nursery industry. Speakers, selected from various regions of the U.S., will elaborate on the challenges the nursery growers are facing these days and present creative managerial strategies that we all could learn from to assist the nursery industry firms in making better decisions.
The objective of this workshop is to discuss the impact of the recent economical crisis on sustainability of the nursery industry. Speakers, selected from various regions of the U.S., will elaborate on the challenges the nursery growers are facing these days and present creative managerial strategies that we all could learn from to assist the nursery industry firms in making better decisions.
The 2009 economic crisis involving the United States has many nursery operators worried about thriving in tough times. The economic downturn prompts new challenges to the nursery growers that force them to get creative, rethink the management strategies, invest in people, and change as the consumer changes in spending habits. In this workshop, a panel of invited speakers will present and discuss the impact of the current economy on controlling costs, supply and demand, and provide insight on creative management strategies that improve marketing of nursery crops, sustain profits, and continue to serve the consumer demands in a period of high competition.
Sunday, July 26, 2009: 8:00 AM
Laclede (Millennium Hotel St. Louis)