Evaluation of Two New Asparagus Varieties at the Agricultural Area of Caborca, Sonora

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Springs F & G
Manuel de Jesús Valenzuela-Ruiz , Viticulture, INIFAP, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
Fabian Robles-Contreras , Irrigation and Alternative Crops, INIFAP, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
Ruben Macías-Duarte , Nutrition, INIFAP, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
Raul L. Grijalva-Contreras , Oliveculture, INIFAP, Caborca Sonora, Mexico
At this time, there are around 6500 has of asparagus established in the Caborca, Sonora region, being the main producing zone of green asparagus of México country. Besides the importance that represents this crops at national level, has a great socioeconomic impact by the economic utilities that it generates and by the amount of manual labor that it requires specially during the harvest period. The 100% of the production of this region is oriented to the export market. The objective of this research was the evaluation of two new varieties of green asparagus under the conditions of the agricultural area of Caborca, Sonora to diversify and to extend the harvest period. The evaluated varieties were Jaleo and Early Californian and those was compared with Brook as the regional control. Our results indicate that the two new varieties was precocious that the control variety, since its bud break of news, was greater at the beginning. With respect to yield, Jaleo variety was the most productive with 231 boxes, 28% over the regional control