Vegetable Crops Management 2 Poster

Thursday, August 5, 2010: 12:00 PM
Springs F & G
Transplant Age and Variety Affects Performance of Transplanted Sweet Corn, Poster Board # 280
Timothy W. Coolong, University of Kentucky; Janet Pfeiffer, University of Kentucky; Darrell Slone, University of Kentucky
Salinity and Type of Soil Affected Seedling Emergence and Growth of Four Peppers, Poster Board # 282
Genhua Niu, Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center at El Paso; Denise Rodriguez, Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center, Texas A&M University; Rosa Cabrera, EPCC, RISE Program
Effect of Growth Regulator (BENEFIT PZ) On Onion Productivity and Bulb Quality, Poster Board # 285
Rubén Macias-Duarte, M.C, INIFAP; Raul L. Grijalva-Contreras, INIFAP; Fabian Robles-Contreras, INIFAP; Manuel de Jesús Valenzuela-Ruiz, INIFAP; Fidel Nunez Ramirez, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
Evaluation of Two New Asparagus Varieties at the Agricultural Area of Caborca, Sonora, Poster Board # 286
Manuel de Jesús Valenzuela-Ruiz, INIFAP; Fabian Robles-Contreras, INIFAP; Ruben Macías-Duarte, INIFAP; Raul L. Grijalva-Contreras, INIFAP