The Use of Smartphone Technologies to Access Gardening Information
The Use of Smartphone Technologies to Access Gardening Information
Tuesday, July 23, 2013: 11:15 AM
Desert Salon 13-14 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
Our interests for this project were driven by an interest in the impact of smartphone ownership and Internet search behavior on product purchasing related to gardening products and items and how search and purchase were similar to (or different from) non-gardening information and products. Given the sharp rise in use of smartphones and mobile media use, we explored differences among online shoppers, specifically those who had searched online for gardening information with those that were online for other purposes. We found differences between those who had searched online for nongardening information compared to those who had searched online for gardening information. Women were more likely to search online for both gardening and nongardening information, but men were more likely to make online gardening purchases. Education level, ethnicity, and geographic location of residence had varying impacts on the likelihood of online search and purchase.