25480 New USDA-NIFA Programs: Exploratory Research Program

Tuesday, August 9, 2016: 2:20 PM
Capitol North Room (Sheraton Hotel Atlanta)
Liang-Shiou Lin , NIFA (AFRI/SBIR)
Since 2014 NIFA has provided funding for the Exploratory Research Program which is part of the AFRI Foundational Program. The program encourages research projects that develop proof of concept for untested novel ideas. This includes “high-risk, high-impact” work that will lead to a significant change in US agriculture. A key in evaluating these projects is if they are potentially transformational and not incremental.

Each application must address one of the following:

  • New and emerging innovative ideas that have high potential impact
  • Application of new knowledge or new approaches to unsolved challenges that have high potential impact
  • Tools required to have a paradigm shift in the field
  • Rapid response to natural disasters and similar unanticipated events

Approximately $2 million is available for this program each year. Each project is limited to $100,000 for up to two years.