25481 New USDA-NIFA Programs: Care (Critical Agriculture Research and Extension) Program

Tuesday, August 9, 2016: 2:30 PM
Capitol North Room (Sheraton Hotel Atlanta)
Liang-Shiou Lin , NIFA (AFRI/SBIR)
Since 2014 NIFA has provided funding for the CARE program which is part of the AFRI Foundational Program. The program seeks to develop and implement solutions to critical agricultural problems. The program focuses on a short- to medium-term application of results, and projects must demonstrate outcomes within the project period or upon completion of the project. The project should be stakeholder-driven and describe how outcomes will rapidly impact the stakeholder community.

For FY 2016, approximately $ 3 million is available for the program. Maximum award size is $300,000 for 3 years.