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2019 ASHS Annual Conference

Online, Non-Credit, Asynchronous Learning Opportunities: A Partnership between NC State University and Longwood Gardens

Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Cohiba 5-11 (Tropicana Las Vegas)
Lucy K. Bradley, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Three online, non-credit, asynchronous classes on Plant Identification. The courses are offered through the Moodle platform at NC State. Each class focuses on a different group of plants: Edibles, Bulbs and Houseplants; Annuals, Perennials, Vines, and Groundcovers; and Trees, Shrubs, and Conifers. The classes are proctored for six weeks and students have access to the site for an additional six months. Each class is broken into 3 segments with each segment containing a video introduction to the material, additional information including vocabulary, plant profiles, and a pronunciation guide; activities, including flashcards, drag and drop exercises and vocabulary games; assignments including forums to post photographs, and vocabulary exercises; and plant identification and plant cultivation quizzes. There is an optional final exam. Students spend 30 or more hours to complete the course.

Gamification is built into the courses allowing students to earn badges and points as they work through the site. Students can earn a certificate of participation by completing each of the assignments. They can also earn a certificate of mastery by passing each of the quizzes and the final with a score of 70% or higher.

Between 100 and 300 students are trained each year. The statement "overall this course was excellent" received an average rating of 4.41 / 5. A typical student comment, "Great variety of different types of course presentations materials, additional resources, and assignments to reinforce the course goals. Nice to have access to many of these materials after completion the class."

See more of: Teaching Methods (Poster)
See more of: Poster Sessions