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2017 ASHS Annual Conference

Teachers Ignite! CCA CEU Approved

To provide a workshop platform where society members can share teaching tips, ideas, and experiences to enhance student learning and scholarship of teaching and learning. The ignite format utilized for this session will foster an exciting and engaging workshop environment and allow for a relatively large number of topics to be presented.
Although we may develop and implement unique and new teaching strategies that lead to enhanced teaching effectiveness, we may not often have the opportunity to share our teaching methods with others. To address this, an ignite format workshop utilizing a fast, fun, and informative presentation format will provide a venue for 15 society members to present their teaching tips within 3 minutes and using only 1 slide. Following each presentation, the audience will have 3 minutes to discuss the topic and ask questions. This exciting and fun format provides for a unique presentation style that is both informative and engaging.
Friday, September 22, 2017: 8:00 AM
Kohala 1 (Hilton Waikoloa Village)
8:00 AM
A Quiz Each Week?
Brian Pearson, Ph.D., University of Florida, Mid-Florida Research and Education Center
See more of: Workshop Proposals