ASHS 2015 Annual Conference
Author Index: N
Author Index: N
7432: Automation and Mechanization in Commercial Vegetable Production (Workshop) *CEU Approved,
7471: Vegetable Crops Management 2 (Oral),
21507: Effects of No-till and Strip-till Systems in Organic Pepper and Broccoli Production,
21589: Summer Cover Crop and Plant Back Timing Effects on Fall Cabbage Production,
22370: Application of Biochar in Potato Production and Its Effects on Soil Properties, Crop Yield, and Quality
7309: Horticultural Demonstration Initiatives: Lessons Learned from Successful Partnerships (Workshop) *CEU Approved,
20902: Improving Orchards Irrigation Management Practices at the On-Farm Level: A 10 Year Case Study of Collaboration between Scientists and Citrus Producers,
20903: On-Farm Demonstrations of Novel Planting Strategies: Working with Growers to Optimize Soil Environments, Reduce Water Loss, and Manage Pests and Diseases,
21202: The Effects of Citrus Planting Design on Soil Properties and Phytophthora nicotianae Propagule Counts in Flood-irrigated Soil,
21218: Inoculum Sources of Phytophthora nicotianae
22045: Evaluation of Oxidant Biocide Formulations for Soil Sanitation,
22052: Evaluation of an Oxidant Disinfectant's Ability to Prime Plant Defenses for Systemic Acquired Resistance in Light Red Kidney Bean Plants Inoculated with Common Bean Bacterial Wilt,
22060: Detection and Semi-quantification of a Bacterial Wilt Disease in Kidney Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) Leaf Tissue using DNA Analysis
22045: Evaluation of Oxidant Biocide Formulations for Soil Sanitation,
22052: Evaluation of an Oxidant Disinfectant's Ability to Prime Plant Defenses for Systemic Acquired Resistance in Light Red Kidney Bean Plants Inoculated with Common Bean Bacterial Wilt,
22060: Detection and Semi-quantification of a Bacterial Wilt Disease in Kidney Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) Leaf Tissue using DNA Analysis,
22441: Evaluation of Conventional and OMRI-certified Organic Fertilizers, and Their Effect on Soil pH
21562: Use of Biochar and Compost Improves the Productivity of Nutrient-poor Tropical Soils,
21566: Enhancing Nitrogen Availability in Liquid Fertilizers Derived from Solid Organic Sources for Fertigation,
21567: Use of Invasive Algae as a Potassium (K) Source Affects Growth and K Content in Pak Choi (Brassica rapa cv. Bonsai, Chinensis Group) under Greenhouse Conditions
21274: Graywater as an Alternative Irrigation Water Source for the Green Industries,
21517: The Effect of Different Light Levels on the Growth and Production of Chili Pepper and Tomato Plants,
21726: Salt Tolerance of 22 Pomegranate Cultivars,
21893: Salt Tolerance of Ten Perennial Plants in Asteraceae
22127: Integrating UAVs into Photogrammetry Applications for Agricultural 3D Mapping,
22243: Field-On-The-Move: Producing Live, Field-based Educational Workshops via a Mobile, Outdoor Video Production Studio,
22252: Initiating a Group GAP, Fresh Produce Safety Certification Program in Arizona,
22291: Lettuce Transplanting � A Potential Late Summer Planting Strategy for Yuma Iceberg Lettuce Production,
22400: Ten Tips on Capturing Great Aerial Field Imagery using GoPro Mounted UAVs,
22402: Using the GoPro InfraBlue 22 Lens for NDVI Field Measurements?