ASHS 2015 Annual Conference
Author Index: M
Author Index: M
7449: Molecular Physiology and Genetics of Fruit Growth and Development (Workshop) *CEU Approved,
21825: Water Use Efficiency of Four Types of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in Response to Different Drought Severities,
21840: Physiological and Molecular Basis for the Low Nitrate (NO3-) Assimilation in Blueberry,
21847: Identification of Putative Fruit Growth Regulatory Genes in Apple,
21848: Drought Stress Reduces Stem Elongation and Down-regulates Gibberellin Biosynthesis in Tomatoes during Vegetative Growth,
22581: Fruit Growth in Apple: Current Knowledge of the Molecular Players
7333: Invasive Plant Management and Restoration: Current Research and Future Challenges (Workshop) *CEU Approved,
20993: Developing an Asynchronous Online Extension Program for Tennessee Nursery Producers,
20994: Comparing an Asynchronous Online Extension Program and a Traditional Face-to-Face Program for Delivering Master Producer Content,
21210: Growth and Control of Invasive Weeds under Elevated CO2,
22364: Effect of Prodiamine and Isoxaben Tank Mixture for Early Postemergence Control of Bittercress
21441: Fertilizer Rate, Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae, and Trichoderma Application Influenced Poinsettia Growth and Development,
21720: Comparison of Biomass, Essential Oil Yield, Phenolic Content, and Antioxidant Capacities between Overwintered and Transplanted Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus),
21842: Yield and Economics of Organic and Conventional Tomatoes Grown in Soils Amended with Poultry Litter and Other Nutrients,
21953: Lettuce Development and Nutrient Runoff under Regimes with Kelp, Fish Emulsion, and Synthetic Fertilizers
21431: Distribution of Apple Fruit Epidermal Non-polar Metabolites,
21500: Storage Temperature and 1-MCP Treatment Affect Storage Disorders and Physiological Attributes of �Royal Gala' Apples,
22261: Up-regulation of Genes in Diphenylamine- and 1-Methylcyclopropene-treated Apples during Cold Storage
21042: Evaluation of Injection-moldable PLA- and PHA-based Biocomposites for Horticultural Application: Processing, Properties, and Performance,
21149: Lantana Cultivars Respond Differently to Plant Growth Regulator Substrate Drenches,
21151: Effects of Substrate Drenches Containing Ethephon on Containerized Annual Bedding Plants are Affected by Concentration and Application Timing,
21273: Growing Snapdragon and Cyclamen with Pelletized Soy-bioplastic Fertilizers
21249: Rhizosphere Acidification and Iron Deficiency Chlorosis in Deciduous Azalea (Rhododendron Sect. Pentanthera) Offer Insight on pH Adaptability,
21311: �UMNAZ 493' and �UMNAZ 502'; Two New Cold-hardy Deciduous Azalea Selections from the University of Minnesota,
22051: Propagation Methods and Distribution Potential of Eastern Hemlock, an Endangered Minnesota Conifer
21480: Fructans from Non-differentiated Garlic (Allium sativum): Extraction, Characterization, and Possible Applications,
21482: Effect of the Application of Edible Coatings on the Quality of Minimally Processed Mangoes (Mangifera Indica L.),
21486: Effect of Different Postharvest Treatments to Delay Mango Fruit Softening,
21490: Study of Different Agents that Improve Firmness of Guava Fruits during Ripening,
21491: Low-temperature Conditioning of Garlic �Seed� Cloves Induces Differential Response in Sprouts Proteome,
21860: Effect of Ripening Stage at Harvest on Phytochemical Composition of Huamiche (Ferocactus histrix) Fruit
21965: Wetting Agent Addition for Limiting Risks of Hydrophobicity of Peat Substrate,
22024: Effects of Different Irrigation Strategies on the Evolution of Peat Hydraulic Properties during Cultivation,
22027: Effect of Water Content on the Hydration Efficiency of Several Organic Substrates,
22029: Toward a Better Irrigation Management in Soilless Culture by Considering the Influence of Root Development on the Evolution of Hydraulic Properties of Substrates,
22036: Growing Media in France and Europe: Inventory and Current Perspectives
21066: Comparing Yield of Baby-Leaf Lettuce with Salanova� �Baby-Leaf' Head Lettuce Production in Northwest Washington,
21309: Grafting Watermelon to Manage Verticillium Wilt in Washington State,
21401: Heirloom Dry Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Northwest Washington,
21404: Impact of School Garden-based Education on Dry Bean Knowledge and Preference,
21908: Biodegradable Mulch Film for Organic Production Systems,
22232: Environment and Production System Influence Fresh Cilantro Yield and Quality in a Five-state Trial
21449: Using Light to Manipulate the Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Greenhouse Tomatoes with Red, Blue, and Far-red Supplemental LEDs,
21858: Plant Responses and Water Uptake of Lettuce Grown Under Different Spectra of Supplemental Lighting,
21955: The Search of an Optimized Supplemental Lighting Spectrum for Greenhouse Tomato Production
21271: �Gasaway' Source of Resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight Provides a Predictable Level of Tolerance but Not Complete Resistance in New Jersey,
21276: Optimization of a High-throughput Assay Enabling Early Detection of Anisogramma anomala in Hazelnuts,
21369: Development of Microsatellite Markers from Erysiphe pulchra (Dogwood Powdery Mildew) for Analyzing Genetic Diversity
21541: Growth and Physiological Responses of Chinese Cabbage ‘Chungwang' to Different Temperatures during Early to Middle Growth Stages,
21576: Clove Seed Sprouting and Bulb Growth in Garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Response to Varying Temperature,
21580: The Effect of Temperature on Germination of Southern-type Garlic during Early Growth Stage
22072: Planting Date Affects Yield and Harvest Duration of Organically Managed Salad Mixes in High Tunnels,
22206: High Tunnel Microclimate in Early Spring and Late Fall,
22215: Growth and Yield of Sequentially Transplanted Lettuce in an Organically Managed High Tunnel,
22762: High Tunnel Microclimate in Early Spring and Late Fall,
22848: Gena Moore
22072: Planting Date Affects Yield and Harvest Duration of Organically Managed Salad Mixes in High Tunnels,
22076: Cultivar Evaluations for Organic Strawberry Production in High Tunnels,
22206: High Tunnel Microclimate in Early Spring and Late Fall,
22215: Growth and Yield of Sequentially Transplanted Lettuce in an Organically Managed High Tunnel
6946: Undergraduate Student Poster Competition,
7357: Document the Impact of Your Research, Teaching, or Extension Activity (Workshop) *CEU Approved,
20997: Flowering Response of Bougainvillea to Drought Stress,
21017: Reclaimed Wastewater as an Irrigation Alternative for Growing Coleus (Plectranthus scutellarioides),
21063: Growth of Naiad in Substrates with Varying Percentages of Sand and Controlled-release Fertilizer
7551: Basic and Applied Physiology Research on Selected Biostimulants for Horticultural Crops (Workshop) *CEU Approved,
22225: Collection and Evaluation of Breadfruit in Puerto Rico,
22389: Effects of Biostimulants and Fertilizers on Specialty Bell Pepper,
22419: Performance of Organically Grown Mango Cultivars in a Rainy Tropical Region,
22593: Biostimulants Based on Amino Acids and Related Compounds
21084: Performance of Three Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Cultivars Produced in a Protected Agricultural Greenhouse System,
21085: Effect of Nutrient Application Rate on Plant Growth Indices and Biomass of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare cv. Grosfruchtiger) Produced Within a Protected Agricultural Greenhouse System
6986: Plant Biotechnology 1 (Oral),
21271: �Gasaway' Source of Resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight Provides a Predictable Level of Tolerance but Not Complete Resistance in New Jersey,
21276: Optimization of a High-throughput Assay Enabling Early Detection of Anisogramma anomala in Hazelnuts,
22765: Gasaway' Source of Resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight Provides a Predictable Level of Tolerance but Not Complete Resistance in New Jersey